Feature Component

Below, you’ll find a description of all services (svc-xxxx) that will be used to deliver the application functionality.

For each feature listed, identify and note the corresponding service in the “feature-component” table.

Your task is to complete this table by linking each feature with its associated service (svc).

<aside> ⚙ svc-authentication (authentication service)


<aside> ⚙ svc-configuration (configuration service)

<aside> ⚙ svc-dataAnalysis (data analysis service)

<aside> ⚙ svc-reportGeneration (report generation service)

<aside> ⚙ svc-userManagement (user management service)

<aside> ⚙ svc-notificationSystem (notification service)

<aside> ⚙ svc-emergency (emergency service)

<aside> ⚙ svc-simulation (simulation service)

<aside> ⚙ svc-testExecution (test execution service)

<aside> ⚙ svc-dataLogger (data logging service)

<aside> ⚙ svc-dataStore (data storage service)

Use the “Functional Description” column to help guide you through this task. The underlined keywords in this column will help you to understand which services are used.
